
Rally Guide




Volunteer Award

The Volunteers of the 2017 SHR were honored with a cookout to show how much we appreciate you! Pictured are Betty Free who was named 2017 Bert Wright Volunteer of the Year and Joseph Ward, recipient of the first Steel Horse Rally Veteran Service Award for going above and beyond as an outstanding volunteer. See everyone next year!

By Scott Smith | (The Times-Record)

For Full Article, Click here:

The sounds of motorcycle engines purring and roaring down a street put a smile on Dennis Snow’s face, yet it’s another sound that hits deeper into the heart of Snow.

Railroad Tracks
The Inaugural Steel Wheels Bourbon Express to benefit the Steel Horse Rally Inc.

The Steel Horse Rally Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 charity established in 2014 to honor veterans, military, law enforcement and first responders, and to help local charities and the local community.